If you owe taxes but can’t pay in full, the IRS has options for you. Most importantly, make sure you file your tax return and pay as much as you can. Then let the IRS help you choose your best option to pay. Here are some options to consider,...
Tag Archives: w2s
Eight Facts about Penalties for Filing and Paying Late
April 15 is the tax day deadline for most people. If you’re due a refund there’s no penalty if you file a late tax return. But if you owe taxes and you fail to file and pay on time, you’ll usually owe interest and penalties on the taxes you pay...
Itemizing vs. Standard Deduction: Six Tips to Help You Choose
When you file your tax return, you usually have a choice whether to itemize deductions or take the standard deduction. Before you choose, it’s a good idea to figure your deductions using both methods. Then choose the one that allows you to pay the lower amount of tax. The one...
Tips for Self-Employed Taxpayers
If you are an independent contractor or run your own business, there are a few basic things to know when it comes to your federal tax return. Here are six tips you should know about income from self-employment: Self-employment income can include income you received for part-time work. This is...
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